My summer plans

I just can't wait for summer to start. It's definitely my favourite time of the year and I have been thinking about many trips and destinations, but the only concrete plan I have is to visit Valle del Elqui with my boyfriend. I have never been there before and many friends have told me fantastic experiences about this place.

I intend to make that trip in December, so I can continue traveling in january and february and make the most of my vacation. The second destination we have in mind (for the beginning of january, right after new year) is to get to Chiloé backpacking. The truth is that last year we got there in the same way, but we did not have the time we wanted to explore some communes like Ancud, Quinchao, Quellón, Quemchi, etc. and get to share with the people . This time we are more organized with travel times, so I really hope everything goes well.

A really close friend of mine was there like a couple of months ago with a Huilliche community. They received him very well, giving him shelter and food without asking anything in return, he even had the opportunity to participate in one of his rituals of gratitude with the land. I really hope we can live a similar experience. 

In febreuary, I have plans to go to the beach with my group of friends, but these are plans that we still have to define well: as the place of destination, the number of people that will go, and the amount of money that each one will contribute.

As you can see, I am not planning to work or study at all, because that's what I have been doing the entire year to reach money and enjoy my vacations. :P 


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