The best concert ever
The best concert I have ever been to was at the Estadio Nacional, on juanary 7th: "La Cumbre del Rock Chilena". I went with my best friends and it was a festival, so it started very early in the morning. There, I saw some of my favourite bands and musicians like Weichafe, Los Miserables, Sexual Democracia, Joe Vaconcellos and Santa Feria. It was amazing! The artist that I was most excited to see was obviously Jorge Gonzalez, because its was going to be his last perfomance. I grew up listening to "Los Prisioneros" and I remember that my big sister had all their cassettes (I am pretty sure it still somewhere in my house). I really love their work as musicians and it amazing how their music has impacted an entire generation in the 80's. His show was brilliant! and the atmosphere in the crowd was a little bit emotional, unlike the other performances were the feeling was powerfull and energetic. I really enjoyed this festival, but I dind't think it was goi...